Telegram Account Login Issues: What Does It Mean When the Two Hooks Appear? If you’re having trouble logging into your Telegram account and you see two hooks, it means that your device is trying to establish a secure connection with the Telegram server, but it’s having some difficulties. This issue can be caused by various factors, such as network problems, server-side issues, or software glitches. In this article, we will explain what the two hooks mean, why they appear, and how to fix the login issues. What Do the Two Hooks Mean in Telegram? The two hooks in Telegram represent the connection status between your device and the Telegram server. When you see two hooks, it means that your device is trying to connect to the server, but it’s not yet fully connected. This is usually indicated by a message that says connecting or logging in next to the hooks. Why Do the Two Hooks Appear in Telegram? The two hooks can appear for various reasons, such as: Network problems: If your device is experiencing network issues, such as a weak or unstable Wi-Fi or cellular connection, it can cause the two hooks to appear. Server-side issues: Sometimes, the Telegram server may be experiencing high traffic or technical difficulties, which can prevent your device from connecting fully. Software glitches: If there’s a bug or glitch in the Telegram app or software, it can cause the two hooks to appear and prevent you from logging in. How to Fix Telegram Login Issues with Two Hooks? To fix the login issues with the two hooks in Telegram, you can try the following steps: 1. Check your network connection: Make sure that your device is connected to a stable and strong Wi-Fi or cellular network. You can try disconnecting and reconnecting to the network, or switching to a different network if possible. 2. Restart the Telegram app or software: Sometimes, restarting the app or software can help fix the connection issues. You can try closing the app or software, and then reopening it after a few seconds. 3. Clear the app cache or data: If the app cache or data is corrupted or outdated, it can cause the two hooks to appear. You can try clearing the app cache or data in your device settings. 4. Update the Telegram app or software: If you’re using an outdated version of the Telegram app or software, it can cause compatibility issues and prevent you from logging in. You can try updating the app or software to the latest version. 5. Reinstall the Telegram app or software: If none of the above steps work, you can try uninstalling and reinstalling the Telegram app or software. This can help fix any software glitches or bugs that may be causing the connection issues. Conclusion The two hooks in Telegram represent the connection status between your device and the Telegram server. If you’re having trouble logging into your Telegram account and you see two hooks, it means that your device is trying to connect to the server, but it’s not yet fully connected. You can try fixing the login issues by checking your network connection, restarting the app or software, clearing the app cache or data, updating the app or software, or reinstalling the app or software. We hope this article has helped you understand what the two hooks mean and how to fix the login issues in Telegram.

在使用 Telegram 时,如果登录遇到问题,屏幕上显示两个钩子(hooks)可能会让用户感到困惑。这意味着设备正在尝试与 Telegram 服务器建立安全连接,但未能完全连接。探讨此现象的原因及解决方案,有助于用户更顺畅地使用该应用。


  • 为什么 Telegram 登录时会出现两个钩子?
  • 如何解决 Telegram 账号无法登录的问题?
  • 除了两个钩子,还有哪些连接状态需要关注?
  • 解决方案概览

    步骤 1:检查网络连接

    确保设备连接到稳定的 Wi-Fi 或移动网络。如果网络信号较弱,可能会导致登录失败。

    步骤 2:重新启动 Telegram 应用


    步骤 3:清除应用缓存和数据

    在设备设置中清理 Telegram 的缓存和数据,有助于修复潜在的故障。


    Telegram Account Login Issues: What Does It Mean When the Two Hooks Appear?

If you're having trouble logging into your Telegram account and you see two hooks, it means that your device is trying to establish a secure connection with the Telegram server, but it's having some difficulties. This issue can be caused by various factors, such as network problems, server-side issues, or software glitches. In this article, we will explain what the two hooks mean, why they appear, and how to fix the login issues.

What Do the Two Hooks Mean in Telegram?

The two hooks in Telegram represent the connection status between your device and the Telegram server. When you see two hooks, it means that your device is trying to connect to the server, but it's not yet fully connected. This is usually indicated by a message that says connecting or logging in next to the hooks.

Why Do the Two Hooks Appear in Telegram?

The two hooks can appear for various reasons, such as:

 Network problems: If your device is experiencing network issues, such as a weak or unstable Wi-Fi or cellular connection, it can cause the two hooks to appear.
 Server-side issues: Sometimes, the Telegram server may be experiencing high traffic or technical difficulties, which can prevent your device from connecting fully.
 Software glitches: If there's a bug or glitch in the Telegram app or software, it can cause the two hooks to appear and prevent you from logging in.

How to Fix Telegram Login Issues with Two Hooks?

To fix the login issues with the two hooks in Telegram, you can try the following steps:

1. Check your network connection: Make sure that your device is connected to a stable and strong Wi-Fi or cellular network. You can try disconnecting and reconnecting to the network, or switching to a different network if possible.
2. Restart the Telegram app or software: Sometimes, restarting the app or software can help fix the connection issues. You can try closing the app or software, and then reopening it after a few seconds.
3. Clear the app cache or data: If the app cache or data is corrupted or outdated, it can cause the two hooks to appear. You can try clearing the app cache or data in your device settings.
4. Update the Telegram app or software: If you're using an outdated version of the Telegram app or software, it can cause compatibility issues and prevent you from logging in. You can try updating the app or software to the latest version.
5. Reinstall the Telegram app or software: If none of the above steps work, you can try uninstalling and reinstalling the Telegram app or software. This can help fix any software glitches or bugs that may be causing the connection issues.


The two hooks in Telegram represent the connection status between your device and the Telegram server. If you're having trouble logging into your Telegram account and you see two hooks, it means that your device is trying to connect to the server, but it's not yet fully connected. You can try fixing the login issues by checking your network connection, restarting the app or software, clearing the app cache or data, updating the app or software, or reinstalling the app or software. We hope this article has helped you understand what the two hooks mean and how to fix the login issues in Telegram.

    步骤 1:检查网络连接


    确保手机或电脑的网络连接稳定。可以尝试关闭 Wi-Fi 且转而使用移动数据,或反之亦然。若需要,重启路由器以解决可能的网络故障。




    如果使用双频段路由器,优先选择 5GHz 频段以获得更稳定的连接。这可以减少信号干扰,提升连接质量。

    步骤 2:重新启动 Telegram 应用


    完全关闭 Telegram 应用,确保它在后台不再运行。对于手机用户,可以使用多任务视图直接滑除应用,电脑用户则点击右下角的托盘图标右键退出。


    在关闭应用后,等待 10-20 秒钟以确保所有后台进程已完全停止。此时也可以检查互联网连接是否已恢复正常。

    重新打开 Telegram

    找到 Telegram 图标,再次点击启动应用。观察是否仍然出现两个钩子的状态,确认连接是否正常。

    步骤 3:清除应用缓存和数据


    手机用户可前往“设置”选项,在应用管理器中找到 Telegram。对电脑用户,通常需要在程序设置中寻找该功能。




    若缓存清理后依然无效,可以考虑清除数据。需要注意的是,这会导致用户登出账号,并需重新登录。因此,确保在此之前记录好 username 和其他登录信息。

    当遇到 Telegram 登录问题 且屏幕显示两个钩子时,检查网络连接、重启应用以及清理缓存和数据是有效的解决方案。通过这些步骤,用户可以顺利恢复使用 Telegram 的功能,并继续享受 Telegram 中文版 的便利。用户在进行 telegram 下载 时也应确保良好的网络环境,以避免类似情况的发生。希望这些能帮助您更好地使用 Telegram。


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